(My life in DC )

...and everywhere else...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why to write, or a way to pass the time

I'm bored and I need a change. I can't leave my job, that would be foolhardy to say the least, I work in a pretty highly specialized field (one that seems to have no specialization or specific resume) anyway that would be a bad idea, bills and all. So that also means I can't take a really extended trip, though that would most assuredly lift my spirits, it would also deplete my nigh empty checking account (and get me fired for not showing up because I was in Morocco or France or well not at work). I can't move, even a short distance, just purchased the abode. So where does that leave me. Bored... and writing to alleviate that boredom.

So a bit about the I involved here.

-I am a DC transplant, well a DC Maryland suburb transplant.
-The last three places I have lived in no specific order are Texas, Germany and Missouri, though I hale from none of the above.
-I went to school and studied Art and Philosophy, though I do nothing that is related to the Arts or thinking in a philosophical manor (well I do think to myself about Philosophical issues, as lowbrow as they are...)
-I have recently realized that I dislike visitors to DC as much as homegrown DC folk.
-I have little to no use for most of what I own.
-I like my dogs more then most people and my cat less.
-If wishes were fishes I still would have no idea what that meant, though I seem to remember being told that in the past.
And I also seem to remember having a better grasp of grammar, but it was lost through years of grammatically horrendous technologically use, which has also stripped me of the ability to spell.

All that said, like many in the DC area I came here for work, but due to my current distaste for that four lettered word and its contributions to my tethered and bored state, I'll avoid the subject. Some days I wish for my younger days when the world seemed to be filled with unfulfilled potential, all that was required of me was I show up for class some days and work others and spend my untidy paycheck on booze and well, some more booze and food. But I know what kind of unbridled resentment they lead me to at my situation, and an overwhelming desire to change it.

Which I did, with what 99.876% of the folks I associated with highly discouraged to down right threatened me with bodily harm, if I did so. I told Uncle Sam I would like to see the world on his dime, so sign me up! thus I say some amazing and some really not so amazing places, then after my four left for greener pastures, though there are some days which I am not so sure which are the greener. I call it partial and useless regret, I regret not staying on about 23% of the time that I spend thinking about it. So all in all, not that much, though I would like to have seen a few more of those wonderful places, and maybe even some of the not so much.

As to why the I was threatened with harm, well I was in no way what you would call, well, ideally cut out? I was a good deal older then most, I needed to lose almost 50lbs just to make the cut, and well I was never what you would call, that type, Art degree and all. My college days were spent bouncing from art the philosophy class all the while covered in my art (meaning covered in paint and saw dust and clay) and well, the whole thing just never seemed to be me.
But hay it worked out pretty well, who knew.

So that covers all of the bases for the whole who the I is, and just leaves what the I talks about. Because I suppose that’s the all important point of Blogging, is it not? Even if a Blog has no specific focus, as may out there do not, a blog is about something. So I suppose I'll spend my time talking, writing, blogging about things that either disgust of fascinate me (there was a whole inner monologue behind that rather obvious decision that I left out due to it's rather mundane and obvious nature, I mean, what else would I blog about, things I find boring, plain, flaccid even? that would just contribute to the situation the has spurned my blogging enterprise, though the boring does tend to disgust me... bah, never mind)

Well, I think this covers enough of my mental state to qualify as my first post,

hope you enjoyed it enough to come back or despised it enough to never come back. just hope it was not too boring.

more soon, I hope.

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