Ahh, Cheers to a new friend, I will call you delicious. My new friend is a wonderfully full bodied, delightfully aromatic, smooth, french
Buzet. And I couldn't be more happy to have made your acquaintance.

Sorry for the
Crappola picture, but that is the hazard of spending too much time with my

new friend. crappy pictures, losing coherence, falling over the dog (she does not like that so much and will often give you this look after being stumbled upon, needless to say she is not fond of my new friend) and general all round placidity... But I digress. As for an official scoring I will award the coveted "a wonderful new version of reality" award, with 8.5 whole points of perfectly smashed grapes! it would have been a 9.5 but unfortunately I have discovered two flaws. One; tastes like 2$ wine if imbibed after a stronger, bolder wine. Two; Causes sever brain hemorrhages is imbibed with any other form of
alcohol. Really it does! or at least makes you think that it does, but that may have been my fault for having two glasses of my Beloved
Buzet AFTER sampling 4 other wines.... but who's to blame me, certainly not I.
As for the more of the same?
I have

been scraping paint all day.... Again... But Besides the front door seen below the whole first floor is done! DONE DONE!!!!!!!!!!! off the the second.... And as you can see the paint is
st practically falling of the trim in the hall. After the hall? then the bed rooms, the bath window, the basement hall, and all sorts of touch ups...
But I must admit I do love the results! pictures to come, I'm still to focused on the
pre to look at the post and due to the timely arrival of spring, the garden is a calling!
All is good.
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