(My life in DC )
Friday, March 27, 2009
Why Do I Hate Metro Buses again?
They are always running folks over and doing things like this...
Metrobus was involved in a collision with a MARC train and another Metrobus!
All I can think to say is wow.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The DC Home and Garden Show - OR - An Excuse To Go Out
Ahh, where to start?
I say that because I'm really having trouble, there was so little there worth commenting on that I feel like I should move on to the later evening events.
But I shall say some things.
First, it was more then a little disappointing. I was really looking forward to getting some ideas for my place, seeing some really well done exhibits and interiors. unfortunately there were only about 5 and this was the best.
For the most part it was like reverse door to door salesmen. And by that I mean you were going to do door trying to get crap sold to you. that's the gist. here's what the majority of the place looked like...
Ya, that good.
Although there where a few high points, for instance there was the very reasonable and obviously effective newfangled exercise machine. This new device exercises every mussel in the body with the force of an earthquake! that's right! it's guaranteed to jiggle the fat away!
Seriously in real life it was shaking the crap out of her, I think it may cause brain damage and spinal dislocations....
Also I got a little scar
seriously, She is always cutting herself or coming very close to cutting me. We keep a good stock of band aids and Neosporin in the house for just that reason and I couldn't see a first aid kit anywhere near that display!
so this is scarier then it looks...
What else can I say?
I won't be going back next year?
I want that hour and a half back?
Though they did have a cheese box....
On another note, we went to Matchbox afterwards. I was very happy there, good beer on tap and good pizza.
I had a Delirium Tremens. A sweet
But she did really like my pizza, so not a total loss and we are both in agreement that we will go back and BOTH have pizza.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Weekend Event
This weekend promises to be either
a: Entertaining and chalk full of ideas.
b: frustrating and disappointing.
We're going to the DC home and Garden Show at the
No use on dwelling though, I am convinced it will be well worth the trip (plus, afterwards we're going to actually eat at a restaurant that is NOT within walking distance of the house! and of course theirs always the drink!). I usually find these shows at least good for inspiration and an education on the new products on the market. Also it's a cheap day out at 9 smackers to get in (per adult) it's less then a movie! (food and booze not included of course) With saving the green being a good thing, I like the sound of that. Also winters over and it's time to get out there, time to start that garden (which I have decided to chronicle on a new blog "Growing Indecently, A Bad Seeds Gardening Stories") . I am also addicted to home improvement (which if you ask K she'll probably insert the word unfortunately in there somewheres) so anything to do with fixing or improving the old abode and I am there.
So This Saturday we're going jump on the old Metro for a short trip to Mt Vernon and see what can be seen. Then off for little fun downtown somewhere. It's been so long I can't even think of a decent place to go for dinner and drinks...
I'll pass on my thoughts after the show (if I don't wash them away shortly afterwards that is...)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A New Friend And Some More Of The Same
Sorry for the Crappola picture, but that is the hazard of spending too much time with my
As for the more of the same?
I have
But I must admit I do love the results! pictures to come, I'm still to focused on the pre to look at the post and due to the timely arrival of spring, the garden is a calling!
All is good.